Administrative Committee
- Partner recruitment and retention – ensuring diversity
- Establish partnerships with other violence prevention efforts
- Develop amarketing approach and brand for the Peace Hub
- Create a website to provide general information
- Develop and communicate a calendar of Peace Hub partner activities
- Position Peace Hub and violence prevention work for long-term sustainability
Professional Development Committee
- Assess professional needs of Peace Hub partners to build their capacities as youth service providers
- Identify and coordinate relevant training
- Facilitate cross-organization trainings, when applicable
- Implement skills development sessions with external entities
- Coordinate training on various topics, including data analysis, marketing, quality programming, trauma informed approaches, and other areas of need/interest
Data/Systems Integration Committee
- Develop and refine the vision direction, and plans of the Peace Hub integrated information system
- Review partner agency systems – strengths, integration capacity, and direction
- Develop and refine data requirements
- Develop and refine case management core
- Develop and refine data integration options and plans
- Develop and refine data warehousing options and plans