Lever 1 - Establishment of a formal, area-wide network of youth service providers and advocates
The Peace Hub Advisory Council is comprised of key service providers and key City/County leaders and representatives from research, program quality and advocacy organizations. The Council provides governance for and guidance to the Peace Hub, and support to the Project Director and staff. In addition, the council works to increase public and civic awareness of progress, issues and opportunities, and providing outreach to youth, parents and community allies.
Lever 2 - Online case management system integrating program referral, enrollment, service coordination, and outcome tracking across providers
Peace Hub is building a comprehensive data system to support more efficient and effective service delivery in Chicago. This system will improve collaboration amongst participating organizations and help close the service gap.
Lever 3 - Common standards for evaluating youth services, program and professional development outcomes
The Peace Hub is developing common standards and quality indicators for evaluating youth services, programs and professional development. This will provide important information on program quality and capacity for providers making referrals, clients determining which program to participate in, and funders making allocation decisions. This will also allow for dissemination of best practices and identification of training/development opportunities.
Lever 4 - Coordinated youth advocacy efforts at the city and state level to ensure support for youth
This lever focuses on policy advocacy and engagement with elected officials, organizations and individuals at all levels to ensure program sustainability and seamless youth service provision. The Peace Hub Advisory Council and the Youth Council play key roles in advocacy.