At the cnter of the Peace Hub initiative is the belief that young people deserve access to engaging services and supports that strengthen their development. Additionally, the theory of change behind this initiative argues that there is a direct link between youth engagement in supportive programming and decreased violence among young people.
The Peace Hub Youth Council is currently made of up 17 Chicago high school students from diverse backgrounds and diverse parts of the city.
Their mission it to engage their peers and to regularly present the youth voice to the Peace Hub Advisory Council to ensure that the Peace Hub is operating from a youth perspective.
The Youth Council agrees that the more great programs and activities young people in Chicago are involved in, the less violence we will see in our city.?? The council also believes that we must understand what great programming is and how youth get and stay involved in order to increase the effectiveness of programming for youth.
If you are a high school aged youth (14-18) and interested in joining the Peace Hub???s Youth Advisory Council, check the list of Peace Hub partners and contact the organization in your community for more information.
Excitement at the end of Fall Session 1st Week with a Film Production Quiz Game @ Family Focus Digital Media #TeensMATTER @AftrSchoolMttrs
— Maranielly (@maranielly4) September 29, 2016